Quality Care. Value. ​ Convenience.
Ansdell Foot Clinic
Tel: 01253 932720

Corn and callus removal
Many people develop corns or calluses at some point in their lifetime. Footwear that fits too snugly, mal-alignment of the leg, ankle or foot can all contribute to this. We can safely remove callus and corns, so that they no longer trouble you. Of course they may return if you don't address the underlying cause.
Foot maintenance
Many people need help with their foot care on an ongoing basis, perhaps because they can no longer reach their feet, can't see well enough to care for their feet themselves, or they simply have persistent corns and callus that just keep on recurring. We offer a podiatry maintenance program where you have a full foot assessment prior to ongoing treatment at intervals suitable for your needs.
Ingrowing toenails & Nail surgery
Ingrowing toenails are acutely painful. They are usually bloody where the nail presses into the skin, and they can easily become infected. Commonly a sharp corner pierces the skin. Usually they can be removed in a routine treatment appointment, but occasionally they need to be removed under local anaesthetic which we will do at the clinic on a subsequent date.
Alignment/Musculo-skeletal issues
A musculo-skeletal assessment is where we examine how well the muscles, tendons, and joints of your body are working together. We examine the foot and ankle and observe how well certain movements occur as you walk. From an assessment we can determine whether you might benefit from an orthotic or support for inside your footwear, or whether you should try to undertake an exercise regime to strengthen certain muscle groups.
Heel pain & Plantar Fasciitis
Heel pain is very common, and following a thorough assessment of the foot and your symptoms, we will help you to determine it's diagnosis. Planter fasciitis/Fasciopathy, fat pad pain, bruising to the calcaneal bone , bursitis and nerve irritation are all possible diagnoses. With a treatment regime that you can undertake at home, and with a follow-up visit to the clinic, we can usually ensure that the symptoms resolve quickly. Sometimes a pair of orthotics are required to correct any underlying structural problems which have contributed to the condition and if so we can arrange this for you.
Metatarsalgia/Plantar Digital Neuroma
Pain at the front of the foot (the ball) is often referred to as metatarsalgia. This is simply because the bones at the front are the Metatarsals. The bones can trap a nerve that runs along the foot and cause a nerve irritation - neuroma, or plantar digital neuroma. During walking the weight put through the front of the foot is phenomenal considering it's tiny size. Compression of the nerves running between the bones of the forefoot is common, very painful and yet relatively easily treated.
Verruca treatments
We offer several different types of verruca treatment that are each suitable for different people. Traditional therapies such as cryotherapy, salacylic acid, monochloracaetic acid, silver nitrate plus verruca needling - Faulknor's procedure are all undertaken at the clinic. Treatment choice varies depending on the age of the patient, hobbies/interests, activity levels, employment etc. A treatment regime will be discussed and the final choice will be made once all the relevant factors have been considered.
Diabetic foot care
People with diabetes are at significantly higher risk of serious foot problems that can lead to ulceration, infection, and even gangrene and loss of the lower limb. The risk factors for developing such serious problems are neuropathy (nerve damage) of the feet and ischaemia (insufficient blood supply) of the lower limb. This can put the foot at risk as people may not feel injuries occurring, and therefore may not undertake basic first aid early enough. Additionally insufficient blood supply to the foot can delay or prevent the healing of foot wounds, and can prevent the body from fighting infections.
Annual foot checks for blood supply and neurological changes are undertaken by all clinicians. Knowing whether your feet are affected by such changes is essentail as you can then take extra precautions if necessary, and help to prevent yourself from going on to develop serious ill health.
Fungal nail infections
Fungal nail infections are especially common and present with a discolouration to the nail plate often appearing as yellow, white or brown in colour. If the infection is allowed to spread to affect the full length of nail, topical therapy won't work. Left untreated fungal nail infections can spread to multiple nails. Early detection is key to helping to treat this condition successfully. Nail fenestration (minature holes made in the nail plate) is the easiest way to get the topical treatment through to the underneath of the nail plate. This is then applied daily to the nail, using a spray, until it grows out.
Steroid injections
Steroid injections are used as an anti-inflammatory treatment in conditions where the foot has not responded as expected to traditional treatments. Conditions such as Plantar Fasciitis, Plantar Digital Neuroma often respond well to having a steroid injection. Rest is needed following the injection to ensure that the fluid is not dispersed away from the affected area too quickly.
Manipulation therapy
The joints of the foot often stiffen up over the years and this can affect the function of the foot, causing pain, inflammation, stiffness and even callus and corn formation. Manipulation therapy is a light movement stretching the joints to increase their range of motion.
Nail reconstruction
Damaged nails can fail to grow properly, become discoloured, misshapen and can be unsightly. We can reconstruct the nail and create a nail that will look better and is likely to make you feel better about your feet again.

Shock Wave Therapy
Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment for musculo-skeletal problems that are causing pain and limiting normal function. In Podiatry it can be used to treat problems with the muscles, tendons and fascial bands of the lower limb and feet.Shockwaves are acoustic soundwaves that deliver impulses of energy to specifically targeted tissue within the painful area. the shockwaves initiate an inflammation like response within the tissue which increases blood flow to the site, stimulating healing, cell regeneration and repair.